


Things are not always as they seem. Our perceptual capacity is more fluid than our everyday rote allows us access to.


We can for instance imagine sitting on the sun looking towards the earth, seeing an eclipse as the moon comes up, blocks the earth from view, becoming a disc of reflective brilliance and fourteen days later the sun, earth, moon align again. This time we stand on the earth looking to the moon as it comes up and gradually we see coming into being the reflection of the totality of our earth. The realisation gives our body a jolt. An exercise in awareness in our everyday state.


But see this, at that place time changes, place changes, the reality of the vision before us changes. In front of us is a delicate cocoon of fine white filaments of light, perfectly wound one around the other, creating a ball made up of hundreds and thousands of translucent threads punctuated by droplets of brilliantly reflective light scattered throughout. Being able to place your hands amongst the threads, separating them, then seeing turning at the very heart the most beautiful green globe imaginable.


The fulcrum of this place is where the witch Mari lives. Her earth is fluid, it moves, it breathes and from our point of vision we can see the fluidity of this beautiful earth, of the blue seas and the myriad colours of the continents as they shift around her globe. It is no longer solid but alive.


Mari is at the beginning of all things, she stands at that first interaction, that first conception, the place from which all things flow. She holds open the space with Sorginerratza.


Her house is called Akitaniarren etxea and like her broom it has a physical reality. A place she calls home.








At birth when the child breaks into the world, a shiver travels as a wave across the whole of the body, making the being ready for its first breath.


Our gestation doesn’t stop at this point. The body, brain and ventricular system develop further up to the age of seven. After which time it takes conscious effort to keep the pathways clear and operational.


During our first seven years the fluidity of our being operates in a magical world. We see the world for what it is. A stunning breadth of living wonderment. We live in and amongst the fabric of Mari’s being and her world.


Physical gestures affect that world and our physical being is affected by it.


After seven years the pathways in the brain are pruned according to usefulness, only leaving those which reinforce that which is necessary to the particular society and environment we find ourselves in. No longer having access to our magical side, we forever after that time go into new situations with limited tools.


The origins of the brain and body trace back to that first crescent indentation of seven days on the outside of the ovum cell. Around which the ovum folds forming a conduit tube, that becomes the fore, mid, hind brain, spine and the spine's ventricular spaces. Contained in these spaces is a special liquid made up of tiny crystals. This liquid bathes the brain and the spinal column. The ventricular spaces are where the sensory nerves originate, extend out and around which all the organs and muscles form. This crystalline fluid gives the nerves a fine coating which acts as a conduit much as a wire placed against a crystal can pick up a radio wave, so the sensory nerves can become aware through the body of a myriad of external data. Taking on an iridescence which activates and invigorates the muscles and organs making the body relaxed, fluid, alive – you’re no longer looking at the world but seeing it as if for the very first time. Waking up the real mind – the totality of the body.


There is no separation between the body and what’s out there. The body is what’s out there.


There our five areas in the body where the sensory nerves fulfil specialised functions.


The first is the central ventricle in line with the bridge of the nose. It houses the crystalline fluid. Nodes surround the ventricular space connecting the nerve endings to the liquid of that space. It responds to the use of the senses - known and unknown – one by one, breaking up and dispersing internal thoughts. Using attention the ventricles need to be opened and the senses extended to their limits.


 Flicking the switch and turning the body on.


The second is the space at the v of the neck. A place of final goodbyes. Only activated when there are no remaining emotional entanglements – a clean slate. Encountered in close physical proximity – face to face. This is also the only way you can view Mari.


The heart of Sorginerratza and Sarobi a place of emaldi. A place from which you dream, see and travel – a place so vivid the reality outstrips our everyday awareness. A place that gives access to all the worlds accessible to Man. A place from which Mari’s native tongue is spoken.


An invisible cord in the area of the diaphragm, which vibrates at death when it is severed and the energy returned to its source. We make many of these connections through the interaction of life.


The Gate, the genitalia through which life comes into being and through which life goes out. At birth or death all our body’s sensory nerve endings ignite creating a glow to the body – lasting three days. The time it takes to be born or die.


Sorginerratza benefits from keeping its spaces clear and operational. The breath being a primary cleanser, should be drawn in through the point at the top of the head, the nose, mouth or through the genitalia. Sweeping the breath around the body in two directions, up the front of the body to an in or out breath and the reverse down the spine. Or up the spine and down the front. Pausing at any or all of the five stations or points of the body which align with those places. Such as the bridge of the nose or the space between the shoulder blades. Various states can be engendered – Totality, Maidenhood, Rejuvenation.

